Short history


The first two democratically elected governments in the Republic of Moldova, the Druc Cabinet and the Muravschi Cabinet, had ministers responsible for Industry and Energy, namely Dmitri Leasenco and Alexandru Barbu, respectively.


This portfolio reappeared in the Braghiș Cabinet from 1999 to 2001, when Ion Leșanu held the position of Minister of Industry and Energy.


On April 28, 2001, the establishment of the Ministry of Energy was decided by dividing the Ministry of Industry and Energy. On July 27, 2001, Minister Ion Leșanu was removed from the position of Minister of Energy, and on August 8, 2001, Iacob Timciuc was appointed as the minister. The Ministry of Energy functioned between 2001 and 2005.


On February 17, 2023, the Recean Cabinet included a dedicated energy portfolio, with Victor Parlicov appointed as the minister. The Ministry of Energy was created by dividing the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, which included two directorates and a secretary of state responsible for this sector.




The Ministry of Energy is the central body responsible for the energy policy of the state, which operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, Law no. 136/2017 on the Government and other normative acts. It is also governed by the legal provisions of the Government and other relevant public authorities.


The Ministry of Energy has the role of ensuring the implementation of the country's energy policy through the analysis of the current situation and the problems in its fields of activity.


Ensuring energy security is the essential objective of the policies promoted by the Ministry and energy policies for the country, in accordance with the European context of a future integrated market.


Also, the ministry has the responsibility to propose justified state interventions to provide effective solutions in ensuring the green transition and digitalization of the energy sector by promoting the production of electricity from renewable sources, energy efficiency.


The Ministry performs its functions in the following areas:

  • Energy security
  • Energetic efficiency
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Electricity
  • Thermal energy and the promotion of high-efficiency cogeneration
  • Natural gas and petroleum products
  • Energy transition