Promotion of energy efficiency


Project: Energy Efficiency in the Republic of Moldova


Implementation period: 2022 - 2025


The project's value is approximately 76.9 million euros, including:


  • 30 million euros loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • 30 million euros loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • 15 million euros non-repayable loan from the European Commission's Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP)
  • 0.5 million euros non-repayable loan from the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF)
  • 1.4 million euros contribution from the Government of the Republic of Moldova


Project objective:


To improve the energy efficiency of public buildings in the Republic of Moldova, initially focusing on 10 public hospitals and later expanding to other social-purpose targets such as educational institutions.


Implementers: Ministry of Energy, through the Unified Unit for Project Implementation and Monitoring in the Energy Sector (UCIPE) and the Agency for Energy Efficiency (AEE).


Approach to address the impact of the energy crisis in the Republic of Moldova


Implementation period: 2022 - 2023


Project value: 11,216,000 dollars from the European Union


Project objective:


The program aims to enhance energy security and resilience in the Republic of Moldova to current and future shocks and promote energy transition.

The program supports the Government of the Republic of Moldova in addressing the current energy crisis and energy poverty by focusing on priority systemic elements in the energy sector. Its ambition is to enable energy markets to become functional, transparent, and ready to integrate into European regional markets, while ensuring inclusive benefits for citizens in transitioning to green energy.

The program will assist the Republic of Moldova in (i) improving energy policies in line with international commitments, (ii) strengthening the capacity of key energy actors, (iii) increasing public support for energy transition and energy efficiency through awareness raising, information, and communication, and (iv) implementing pilot projects for energy efficiency measures and renewable resources to enhance energy accessibility and develop sustainable financing mechanisms, with a primary focus on vulnerable households and the public sector.


Implementers: United Nations Development Program, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Agency for Energy Efficiency, National Fund for Regional and Local Development.


Project "First Swallows"


Implementation period: 2022 - 2024


The project aims to contribute to the consolidation of energy security in Moldova through improving energy efficiency and stimulating the development of renewable energy sources.


Key activities include:

Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, including supporting the relevant ministry in promoting and developing the Housing Energy Efficiency Fund.
Enhancing the regulatory framework for energy efficiency in buildings and their operation, as well as for renewable energy sources.
Conducting awareness campaigns to inform the public about investment opportunities in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Implementers: Independent Analytical Center "Expert-Grup," in partnership with the Ministry of Energy, with support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Moldova.