Natural gas and petroleum products


The natural gas supply network in the Republic of Moldova consists of pipelines and facilities that transport natural gas from production sources to consumers in the country. This network comprises a system of transportation and distribution pipelines, regulation and measurement stations, as well as other necessary installations for the natural gas supply process.


The main operators in the natural gas market in the Republic of Moldova are "Moldovagaz" SA, "Energocom" SA, "Moldovatransgaz" SRL, and "Vestmoldtransgaz" SRL.


Until 2022, the majority of natural gas delivered to the Republic of Moldova originated from the Russian Federation through natural gas pipelines that transit Ukraine. However, the Republic of Moldova has diversified its natural gas supply sources by constructing an interconnection with Romania, allowing the transportation of natural gas from this European country to the Republic of Moldova.


In the past decade, the Republic of Moldova has taken concrete measures to diversify its natural gas supply, including creating interconnections with Romania, which has contributed to improving energy security.


The completion of the Iasi-Chisinau gas pipeline, along with the opportunity to use the trans-Balkan route in reverse mode, provides the technical capacities and necessary preconditions for diversifying natural gas supply sources.


Another option to support the sustainable security of natural gas supply is exploring the possibility of utilizing natural gas storage facilities in Ukraine and Romania to mitigate the effects of exceptional situations or to cover peak consumption periods.


The Ministry of Energy aims to mitigate risks related to natural gas supply through systematic measures to diversify sources and supply routes of natural gas and ensure the necessary level of investment in the technical development of energy networks.


A similar approach will be promoted for the oil sector. The supply network for oil and petroleum products in the Republic of Moldova is a complex infrastructure for the transportation and distribution of oil and petroleum products within the country. It consists of a network of pipelines, terminals, and storage facilities that enable the importation of crude oil and petroleum products from abroad and their distribution to final consumers in the Republic of Moldova.


Moldova does not have its own oil resources, so the majority of oil is imported from neighboring countries such as Romania, Ukraine, and Russia. The oil and petroleum product supply network in the Republic of Moldova is managed by companies that handle their importation, storage, and distribution within the country. There are also local distribution and retail companies that sell petroleum products at gas stations or through other distribution channels.


The objectives of the Ministry of Energy for the oil sector are related to reliable supply of petroleum products through systematic measures to diversify sources and supply routes, ensuring the necessary level of investment in the technical development of infrastructure, and increasing storage capacities.